Opt-in and Opt-out Services

Opting In Services

After registering as an operator, you are now ready to join a service. To do this, you can run the following transaction:

milkywayd tx restaking operator join-service [operator-id] [service-id]


  • [operator-id] is the ID of your operator.

  • [service-id] is the ID of the service you want to join.

If you receive and error telling that you cannot join a service, it might be due to two reasons:

  1. The service you are trying to join is still INACTIVE.

  2. The service you are trying to join only allows specific operators to join.

In both cases, please contact the administrator of the service you are trying to join to check what case applies and how to fix the issue.

Opting Out Services

If you ever want to leave a joined service, you can run the following command:

milkywayd tx restaking operator leave-service [opearator-id] [service-id]


  • [operator-id] is the ID of your operator.

  • [service-id] is the ID of the service you want to leave.

Last updated